Great track
This is a great track, I Love it, one of your best. The good about it is that it’s not so repetitive; it has a lot of diversity. The beginning of the song (the clapping) makes the listener attached from the beginning. An ever better thing about it is the rhythm, not your regular beats put together to make a tune, I felt it was special in some way, definitely a positive change. Though the screams were very annoying, I didn’t like it at all, kind of ruined it, at least for me it did. All in all it’s one of your best track I definitely recommend anyone to download it
Originality: 8 A kind of different track especially in the beginning, I like a lot the clap beginning, gives a nice start to it and is very… cool I guess? Keep it up
Clarity: 9 Oh the quality was superb truly great, although the stuff the weird guy was screaming is very indistinct it sounded like POKEMON or something that’s why you didn’t get the ten
Diversity: 10 Excellent mix of different styles, the beginning the middle and the end are very different yet the finished product is awesome. Great job
Effort: 9 I don’t know how much you put in this bt it’s a great track it, that the regular artist would take forever to make.