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19 Game Reviews

1 w/ Responses

Loved it !

This is a very good rythm game. I think you did a good there.The song is the part I enjoyed most it s a very good one.I played the game many times just so I can hear it. the beat is great and the application is better,this game is amazing,got me hooked for quite a bit of time.I like the simplicity in the graphics since they are nothing too fancy and it seems that they did the job.Only there is this something I didnt quite like is that most of the avoiding is not synched to the music to the exeption of those yellow creatures but still they are three and you dont change position depending on the rythm. Everything else was perfect. The game was challenging but just enough to keep you intresteted.the final boss was pretty cool if you ask me but you literally gave away points for clicking on the head

Graphics:8 that was an impressive use of basic shapes you know?I like the finished result a lot it has a techy futuristic feel to it no?
Style:10 It was perfect would it be the concept or the execution l mean the concept is completely new l dont think l saw many games like that

Sound:10 That was what the game was all about. The rythm was awesome and the tune was very catchy. i recommend its download to everyone

Interactivity:5 well there isnt too much interactivity in the game. The reason why its so good is the concept and the content (music graphics...)

Violence/Humor: none

although some scores are not high, raising them would probably not be beneficial to the game overall 9/10

This is turning out good

I like where this James the zebra series is gioing. I like the concept and gameplay, they arte both awesome. What I like most about it, is that the whole context is new eeverytime. All the games are different so I really can't sy it's getting boring because it isn't, on the contrary I anxiously wait the new episode everytime.The intro was pretty funny in the Circus Zebra, well it always is but I liked this one in particular for some reason.You know what guys? I think you should make a huge adventure with James, that'd be swell. Lke BR's Climate Chaos that was one big game that was a hell of an add to the another day series. Take your time though there's no rush ;)

The Good:

-Wonderful circus environment in which you play, especially for the fact that we all know that a circus isn'tthe best place to mess around with what's around you, and you guys put James in a circus should be tons of fun

-As always the xtra game modes were very original and very amusing though the second one in here was a bit tough or I just don't have balance. This gives the player a motivation to finish the original

-This game has fast paced action particularly in this game, technically you can slow down but all the fun will go wouldn't it. It's awesome fun to go through the circus without fallin and keeping contact with ground minimal

The Bad:

-The game is too short, I beleive that the awesomemness of James the Zebra deserves more than such a sort game, but I'm sure you guys are working on it right? *waits the big James the Zebra release by the Super Flash Bros*


-Graphics:9 The Graphics are ure greatness in this game, Also I think that James the Zebra games hve developped their own style in graphics and drawing and I congratulate you on that

-Style:9 The style is geat, first of all because of the amazing concept of a Zebra in the Circus. Nothing really that you don't know, I mean you guys are ace at what you do...

-Sound:7 that was pretty much the flaw in he game, the loop is extremely annoying after a couple of loops you got a score over 5 because it's circus related

-Interactivity:8 The controls are very easy and very relaxing, they apply for all games which is also good and you have some wicked physics, that make James interact with everything as if it was in real life

-Humor:7 Pretty funny with the inteo, and a bit in some animations in the game...

Goood Enough

This was a pretty good representation of the movie Pico's Unloaded, I had a bit of fun playing this game, and I only found it to lag on mouse control, I guess you can consider that good.But I think I enjoyed watching Pico's Unloaded much more than playiong this game. I mean the game was great but not nearly as great as tyhe movie. First of all why arethe guns so slow to fire?? especially the uzis there supposed to fire hundreds a second?? Also where the hell are all the UberKids. What would be the point of playing Pico's Unloade with a couple of UberKids at a time?? It would have been tons better with swarms of UberKids to beat the crp out of them no need for them to be armed, then you'd feel the action as if you were atually playing Pico in MindChamber's movie. All those Gangsta fags are pointless I didn't see any of them in the movie and I don't understand why I'm seeing them now.I mean when you see a Pico's Unloaded game do you play it so you can fight a couple of kids one at the time and figh some new pointless characters?Apart from that I liked the multitude of weapons found it the game tht's a good diversity, but I think you should add more moves and combinations, how about jumping and ducking? hell why not be able to fight without weapons? a martial ats mode would be the awesomest thing to ever hit newgrounds, Imagine fighting swarms of UberKids using unlimited martial arts combos the game would be the bomb. I understand you wanted to finish within the Pico Day dedline but you could've updated or maybe you can make another with what I suggested that would be great!

-Gaphics:9 They were pretty good actually they were great, but I guess I've seen better, Also why is there an aweful quality picture when you go to the bottom left corner of the "arena"?

-Style:6 The Idea wasn't bad nd it was executed okay,I don't see any style out of the ordinary. It's abn ordinary topview shooter if you ask me

-Sund:8 It was great suited the game very much but like I said this game needs UberKids all over the screen and then that song would be perfect understand?

-Violence:7 I guess all the shooting would make the game a bit violent, but I'd prefer it to be a massacre a bloodbath but even if there was blood coming out of the poeple you kill there wouldn't be enough to fill a cup of tea...

-Interactivity:4 Too muc controls I've nver seen such a complicated game with so much keys! and if you want to use mouse mode it lags so much you cant walk right. NOT GOOD

-Humor:0 none

Great Sequel

Yes it is , an awesome sequel to an awsome game. This one is much more fun thanks to the new zoom-in ferature. But you didn't make the game too difficult just challenging enough to make it more enjoyable and addicting. I was also amazed at my lack of tracing skills in this gameWHATEVER I drew didn't look like the expected result at all. The fact that you can see your drawings when you finish was a nice add-on and it gave me a great laugh. The only one I got looking right was the star all the rest looked retarted

The Good:

-Almost completely new layout to the game that doesn't give the player the feeling that he already played the game, it gives the game a comletely new nicer feel

-Completely new difficulty level tha keeps the game fun and chllenging. And it also makes the master of the old game look completely new.

The Bad:

-It's not really that bad but that game can really get on your nerves. I mean if you try again and again it kinda puts you in a bad mood. I recommend to play this game every once in a while not five times in a row

-Graphics:8 The game looked great overall but the reason I give you an 8 is that you mainly don't do any graphis the player does and I tell you there not always that good

-Style:10 This game was completely different than the original Scribble, not the concept this one had a different feel to it you'd say another game... a better game ;)

-Violence:0 This wasn't a violent game was it ? or did I miss something?

-Interactivity:7 This wasn't the most interactive game I've ever seen, it's got just enugh to play it. that doesn't mean the game needs more of it but you just don't have much interactivity...

-Humor:7 This game is a good laugh especially when it comes to look back at the drwings you made during the gameplay, you can't imaginewhat my drawings looked like :P

A Rare Pleasing Sight

I got a real nice surprise seeing this game you know that? It's not everyday that you see a good 3D game, let alone see an awesome one like this one. I'm sure you guys worked alot on this and I say that you go what you deserved. aybe even less. But I think the reason you aren't in the top 50 I think is the difficulty. Let alone that the game is challenging, you don't understand what any character says unles you give it some time and exploring.Also some characters that look casual may have something crucial to say.I personally think you guys should have stuck with text. I understand you guys wanted a challeging game and Ilove to play those but tis one is just to much...

The Good:

-Exeptional gameplay mainly shown with the WASD controls and the the interactivity with everything in your environment. This makes the game look really professional and as addictive and attractive as a full video game.

-Unusually original concept, this must be the best game idea yet.The context of the characters is also veryfitting. I wouldn't think characters other than Another Day would have made his game as good

-Complete control of the character's actions. I never found myself "fored" to go somewhere in the game, unless I wanted to...

The Bad:
-The game IS challenging from the start so why make it worse with the speech. I undertand this kind of talking with primitive characters, but It's not really necessary for others. It makes you have o play the game for a while before you really get hooked on it...


-Graphics:10 Thi game is worthy of being a full video gme and ne of the main reason is the graphics. The drawing is exellent and even though it's a 3D game you kept a cartoon-ish feel to the game good job

-Style:10 It was all about style,the game was very atracting at first, no tha it was 3D, it had a certain feel to it and you end up spending all your time until you finish that game. It's all style...

-Sound:9 The sound was exellent it suited the game alot and added to the style (that's alot of style now...). The only problem is,being that the game is difficult, when you get stuck, the sound becomes very annoying...

-Violence/Humor:0 This was neither a violent game nor a funny one, atleast I think it wasn't right?

-Interactivity:10 That's what the whole game is about , interactivity right? The controls were easy to use and relaxing but the best part wqs the in-game interactivity, you litterally can interaact with every sngle object you find in the game

Great, but..

It's not the best I've ever seen.First of all the concept isn't original. The execution is great, but I'e seen better games. In the end is just a metal sliggish shooter right? Though I must say the gameplay is amazing; the power ups, the huge combination of moves possible, all that stuuf made alot of impact on the game. Also, it would be nice if some bosses were to be somwhat interlligent, instead of moving around and doing the same stuff over and over and over and over...I guess it would give the player more of a challenge

The Good:
-The huge environment you get to play in, even though it's just a platformer, you caneithr play on the ground fighting off all the enemys or take a big risk and start avoiding the helicopter from the rooftops
-The big variety of moves you can do with justA S and the arrow keys. You can really do alot of stuff, you can also have a certain fighting style or technique of your own

The Bad:
-Few power ups, there maybe a couple of new guns and thatwas basically it, it gets kinda boring after a while, you never discover any new stuff or wait for something to come up
-Like I said the concept is kinda overused,it takes the player a while before you get addicted to the game


-Graphcs:9 They were really cool, I like the fact that they were cartoons, I think that ifthey weren't so sketchy or cartoonish the game wold have lost some of it's feel

-Style:9 I said it twice and I say it agan the I dea has been done alot of times. But the style you gave to this particular submission of that genre was really good

-Sound:8 It was good, nothing too fancy , it didn't get me hooked on the game, but it did get the job done with the eting feel and all...

-Violence:9 The game was a cartoon, more violence and gore would have ruined it.9 for the fair amout of blood and butchering but no 10 because of no gory stuff it's a good thing

-Interactivity:8 There tons of combinations and moves with only two keys it kept it simple yet very amusing, But the interactivity inside the game could be improved with alot of power-ups

-Humor: 7 The game had it funny moments pretty good.

I like it

And I like it alot, this is 1000000000000 times better than any other aracknoid based games I ever sw. I got hooked on it for half an hour, I did it all. Congrats on that Daily 2nd you deserve it

The Good
-Many power ups that keep the game intresting, and they keep the player waiting for a specific one
-The physics are great, I love to give that ball all I got, or give it a spin from time to time

The Bad:
-Custom mode isn't all that entertaining, it keeps you amused for two seconds, try adding something to it... I dunno

-Graphics:10 Those are by far some of the best drawings I evr saw Good Job
-Style:9 I lied the execution and the result alot, the tech feeling is also great, I love it
-Sound:10 This was the main thing that got me hooked on th game, the music is so well chosen and is exiting by nature
-Interactivity:10 not only were the controls easy, but the in-game interaction with the powe ups and the physics with the Wii console where awesome

Overall this gam owns keep making them, and good luck with WiiCade

NegativeONE responds:

Yeah, the Custom mode wasn't for everyone. Basically, the level editor was a tool I had already made to design the game's levels easily. So I thought I might as well leave it open to the public. A bunch of people have had a lot of fun with it, so I'm glad I did. Still, I recognize that some people would much rather play than create, so it has a selective appeal.

Fun Game!

I loved this game, it was really addicting, and the concept is awesome. The execution is even better, love how yo guys make a game look perfect. This is probably one of your best games. Nice job I really loveit

The Good:
-The concept is awesome, I mean a zebra in the water, how can it be any bad, you guys had a great idea
-The two additional game modes that give you omething to look for while playing te origial

The Bad:
-The Original game has limits, you can't just rack up points, there is a (of course impossible) maximum you can get. Is it for having no cheaters in the hi-score board
-The monsterdoesn't do any daage so you can stay on the monster and take your stars from there

-Graphics:10 The drawings are incredibly good and the whole game is easy to look at, good job
-Style:9 Godd execution of a very nice concept the gameplay and animation was also good I like it
-Sound:10 I iked it alot gave a happy feel to the game, and made it more addicting thanit already is
-Violence:0 He doesn't even get hurt by the monster
-Interactivity:8 The contros were exellent, though the in-game interactivity, well you don't have that, I ean you can't interact with stuff in the deep sea environment to help you

Overall Great Game can't wait to see more!

Nice Game

I enjoyed this game for the time I played it, it was good, but I gor bred in the end, there's nothing new, nothing satisfactory in the end exept a "Congratulations" message. meh

The Good:
-Nice gameplay, great concept. you kept it simple and amusing
-Variety of bubbles, you can adapt to any situation or crrate a ew situation that suits you
-Easy to use and "new" controls, that makes the game nice to play

The Bad:
-Lack of difficulty, which gives the game no challenge, you end up getting bored wrapping bubble around the divers and mines...
-No Variety between enemies, they're just divers and explosives and...whatever thos things wih crab-lke arms are. they're too easy and get reptitive

-Graphics:10 I liked it, I don't see any drawing flaws, and it looks great
-Style:8 Yeah it ws good and al, could be better since he concept is exellent
-Sound:8 The in-Game music wasn't so active and I didn't feel it for the game, but it was good quality, and sounded ok
-Violence:5 If you try to find and search really well you find just enough to give you 5/10 but it doesn't need more violence keep it that way
-Interactivity:9 The controls were very nice once youget the hang of things also the fact that you can se explosives for your good was pretty cool too
-Humor:0 simply none

Overall it wasa pretty good game butnotthe best I've seen from you

Pretty Good

I really liked how that game turned out to be,I ike the concept alot,it's new, I never saw a game like that, and the execution is better. This is just an idea but I wonder if you could make a whole adventure out of it with a plot and everything, it would take too much time , I know but with your style I'm sure it will be one of the best games to hit NG

The Good:
-Multiple difficulty levls which make the game at the level of any typer, so everybody, at whatever speed he types can play this game
-Exellent progression of enemies, you really knew the timing for new enemies to come, just enough for players to warm up and not too long for players to get bored
-The detonate power up that can make a player type incredibly fast anxiously waiting that power up to appear
-The game is in waves which gives the player abreather if he had a tough round

The Bad:
-Bad ditribution of speed, sometimes an enemy is of 7 letter and he arrives in a second, it's impossible to not lose any healt

-Graphics:10 They were great, I liked the vehicle designs, really creative
-Style:10 You got style alright, the menu, gameplay, everythin is great
-Sound:8 suited the game very much, but if you spend some time playing the music can get a bit annoying
-Violence:7 there was shooting and that was it, but keep it that way it's much better than if it were bloody
-Interactivity:8 the game interacts perfectly with the way you type, but it's not as if you do what you wanna do like move around and stuff

Overall I liked this game lot. I hope to see more of the type



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